Sunday, February 7, 2010

Water, water, everywhere!

Okay, so this has been the WETTEST winter we have had in quite a few years.

The river has been in my backyard since before Christmas. I know we live on the river, but usually when it is "in the banks" it is at least 200' from my house.

It's not just the river that concerns me, it is the entire water table. The water table is so high right now that everytime it rains, there is just no where for it to go.

So at the farm we have a pond in the corner of one of our hay fields.

I'm really concerned about the farmers this year. It is going to take a few weeks of warm, dry weather to dry the fields out enough for them to plow and get started with their planting. Unfortunately, I just heard there is more rain in the forecast for this week. :(

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